Friday, May 28, 2010

BP CEO Tony Hayward: "It's an Environmental Catastrophe"

Today BP CEO Tony Hayward made it official regarding the BP 2010 Oil Leak in the Gulf of Mexico: "It's an environmental catastrophe."

Yes, Mr. Hayward. We have known this since early May 2010. It certainly is an environmental catastrophe and so is BP. Welcome to reality.

Look at the results of your bad leadership and your greed. You and your company are the most evil and terrible things to ever happen to our country. You have secured your place in U.S. history as our greatest Eco-Terrorist. I hope you and the top leaders at BP will all be charged criminally, and that BP will be seized and sued until its assests are totally exhausted.

Please resign immediately and go some place far, far away.

Thank you.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Economy of the Gulf States and How They May Be Affected on the Big Polluter 2010 Oil Spill

Consider this article about the possibility for the Big Polluter 2010 Oil Spill to wreck the collective economy of the Gulf States. The loss of plantlife and animal life in the Gulf of Mexico and the coastal wetlands is horror enough. But the wrecked economy of the Gulf States will leave a negative impact that will never be forgotten.

Scientists: Louisiana Wetlands May Never Recover from Big Polluter's 2010 Oil Spill

May 23, 2010 - An article at the news website reports that the Louisiana Wetlands may NEVER recover from the effects of the 2010 Oil Spill for which Big Polluter is responsible.

Also note that
on Saturday Morning, May 22, 2010, Big Polluter COO Doug Suttles was interviewed by NPR's Bob Simon. During that interview, he quipped that he believed that the Gulf of Mexico would recover because it is "pretty robust." I don't believe Mr. Suttles knows what he was talking about. But I due to all the missteps and incompetence of Big Polluter Executive Leadership Team, I predict that they will all have some very exciting days and weeks ahead as the U.S. government and the American people make decisions to limit Big Polluter's continued capability mess things up with the 2010 Oil Spill for which Big Polluter is responsible. And I'll bet "robust" is not an adjective that will be used to describe Big Polluter.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Polluter 2010 Oil Catastrophe - How Much Oil Leakage, So Far?

Check the chart to the left for the latest progress on Big Polluter's destruction of the Gulf of Mexico.

You should click on the chart to enlarge it and understand what we assume Big Polluter CEO Tony Hayward is probably thinking (based on his statements and actions.)

Way to go, Tony!

Big Polluter Is Too Incompent - Only the U.S. Government Will Be Able to Control It!

(Picture credit, AP, May 20, 2010)

All Americans should be extremely worried about BP, which is more interested than profits than people, safety, and the environment. The character of their business practices is well established in previous disasters which caused loss of life and harm to the environment.

BP will go down in history as one of the best textbook business case studies in what happens when a major corporation operates irresponsibly, and recklessly, while in relentless pursuit of profits. Their arrogance and incompetence have caused incalculable damage to people, property, the environment, the economy, and businesses for the next 50 years. People will also remember that despite the horror and loss of life at Nagasaki and Hiroshima in 1945, even those two places recovered faster than the U.S. Gulf Region will. BP will be known forever for the damages it has caused, and the damage will be visible for at least the next 40 to 50 years.

Sadly, BP is too arrogant to have shame and contrition about any of this. The BP Leadership Team is oblivious to the seriousness of this catastrophic situation and without any sense of responsibility or obligation to do the right thing. [Continued] Indeed, if guys from a non-state terrorist group had planned this disaster and successfully pulled it off, it would be called the most successful case of "eco-terrorism ever." Instead, BP’s CEO Tony Hayward just believes that it is "an unfortunate accident and a tiny leak in a huge ocean called the Gulf of Mexico."

So the best we can all hope for is that our executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Federal Government will act responsibly to curtail the actions of BP and rein them in.

Please help us end this horrible nightmare, President Obama, because you know that BP cannot control or be responsible for their actions.

Thank you.

William F. Slater, III and

Anger Simmers Over Spreading Gulf Oil Slick

This in from

Frustration over the thick, oozing crude tainting Gulf Coast marshland has been building in the month since the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Oil companies blame one another, state and local officials say the federal response has been lacking, and ordinary residents have expressed outrage over the impact on their home states.

Read more about the unhappiness with Big Polluter.

In the meantime, despite a promise to remain in the U.S. until the Big Polluter 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico was under control, Big Polluter CEO Tony Hayward (pictured above) returned to the U.K. for two reasons: 1) to brief the Big Polluter Board of Directors; and 2) Celebrate his 54th Birthday.

Let me be among the first Americans to send you this wish: Happy Birthday, Tony Hayward! Now do us all a big favor and please resign, then send a REAL LEADER to stop the Big Polluter 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New York Times Op-Ed - Obama and the Oil Spill

Thomas L. Friedman (photo credit Fred R. Conrad, New York Times), had an excellent Op-Ed article published at the New York Times website today, May 19, 2010. He thinks that the present Big Polluter 2010 Oil Spill Disaster is President Barack Obama's 9/11, not his Katrina, as so many have already stated. This has far reaching implications as well as huge potential to do great things. Read the article and see for yourself.

Great job, Mr. Friedman! Thank you!

Big Polluter's 2010 Oil Spill Meets the Louisiana Wetlands

The picture at the left made the front page of on May 19, 2010. This is oil from Big Polluter's big 2010 Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, contaminating the Louisiana Wetlands near the Gulf of Mexico. Read more here.

This horrible, man-made, 21st century ecological disaster, which will also be an economic disaster, will affect the people, plant life, animal life and overal environment for the next 40 to 50 years.

I will be updating my other website this evening with more about this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Big Polluter CEO Breaks Promise: Will Fly Home to U.K.

After promising to remain in the U.S. until the Big Polluter 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill is brought under control, Big Polluter CEO Tony Hayward will break his promise and fly home to the U.K. Mr Hayward wants to report to the Big Polluter Board of Directors and also celebrate his 54th birthday with his family.

I hope his meetings with the Big Polluter Board of Directors is productive and that they have all the wine they need. Click here to see the Big Polluter Board of Directors Room at Big Polluter Headquarters. (Note the wine glasses...).

Gulf of Mexico Fishing Ban

May 14, 2010 - Big Polluter CEO Tony Hayward tells the British Press: "The BP 2010 Gulf Oil Spill is just a "tiny leak in a large ocean." May 18, 2010, 10:54 AM Central Time - CNN News Flash - Fishing banned in 19 percent of the Gulf of Mexico due to oil spill. (Thanks, Tony Hayward!)

Deepwater Horizon Explosion - The Deaths

Workers at the Deepwater Horizon Who Died

April 20, 2010

In Memorium

Shane Roshto 22, wife's name is Natalie, 1 son

Roy Wyatt Kemp 27, wife's name is Courtney, 2 daughters

Karl Kleppinger JR., Iraq War Veteran, wife's name is Tracy, 1 son

Jason Anderson, wife's name is Shelly, 2 children

Gordon Jones, wife's name is Michelle and she is due to have a baby in 4 days(& counting), 1 son

Devey Revette, wife's name is Sherry, 2 daughters

Adam Weise, leaves family and his girlfriend

Blair Manuel, wife's name is Melinda, 3 daughters

Donald Clark, wife's name is Shelia, 4 children

Aaron Burkeen, wife's name is Rhonda, 2 children

Steven Curtis, wife's name is Nancy, son & daughter

Compiled by. Nicolas Duplessis
Native of Buras, Louisiana

Monday, May 17, 2010

60 Minutes Broadcast - The Blowout

If you missed Sunday's 60 Minutes, on May 15, 2010, here's a recap of the broadcast:


Scott Pelley investigates the explosion that killed 11, causing the ongoing oil leak in the waters off of Louisiana, and speaks to one of the oil rig platform crew survivors who was in a position to know what caused the disaster and how it could have been prevented. The report contains never-before-seen footage of the minutes after the explosion and new information about what led up to it.

You will learn a lot of new things about Big Polluter and its role in all this.

Watch part 1 and part 2 now.

Investigation Announced... And Heads Will Roll

The Obama Administration announced today, May 17, 2010, that there will be an investigation by an Independent Commission to investigate the Deepwater Horizon disaster that Big Polluter is responsible for.

Also, Mr. Chris Oynes, chairman of the MMS under the U.S. Department of Interior (picture above), announced his decision to retire after 35 years. The U.S. Department of Interior officials said Mr. Oynes was under no pressure to retire.

OK. It's a start. Let's hope Big Polluter will follow suit with some of their own high-profile resignations. After all, the damage to people, the environment, animal life and plant life has all been incalculable.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Polluter Misstep: "Here's $5,000, Please don't sue us."

Once Big Polluter realized how serious their Gulf of Mexico Oil Catastrophe really was, they started to dispatch company representatives to the Alabama Gulf Coast, with Legal Releases and checks for $5,000, in exchange for an agreement not to sue the company. Fortunately, the Alabama Attorney General, Troy King, ordered Big Polluter to stop this practice.

When asked about this Big Polluter practice of paying people on the Alabama Gulf Coast $5,000 in exchange for a release, during his May 3, 2010 NPR Interview, Big Polluter CEO Tony Hayward called it one of the company's "missteps."

Way to go, Mr. Hayward.

In case you are wondering what $5,000 looks like, the picture at the left shows the last series of U.S. $5,000 notes printed by the U.S. Federal Reserve in 1934.

Personally, I would say that the damage that Big Polluter has already done and will continue to do in the Gulf of Mexico, with the deaths, the injuries, the pollution, the loss of business, etc., is incalculable. You simply cannot put a price tag on it.

Anyway, if Big Polluter can't get things under control in the Gulf of Mexico before the end of May 2010, and then get a good start on fulfulling its obligations to pay to clean everything up and make people, businesses, and the governments whole on the U.S. Gulf Coast , I would be in favor of the U.S. Federal Government seizing the company and its assets. For more about that, visit SeizeBP.

The clock is ticking, Big Polluter. It is already May 16, 2010...

How Serious Will Big Polluter Be In Helping People?

If you want a glimpse of how serious Big Polluter will be taking its obligations for the current Gulf Oil Spill Disaster, read this article and see if you can connect the dots:

(see picture at above)

I'd say the folks on the Gulf Coast have a LOT to be worried about. Big Polluter is known for Big Profits, and Being Pernicious, but not Big Compassion. It's simply not in their DNA.

Remember the tale of the Frog and the Scorpion?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beginning Posting

Crisis prone Big Polluter has had its current crisis in progress since April 20, 2010. I am tracking the progress of this crisis on a web page I created at

The current revised estimate for the amount of oil spilling out of control into the Gulf of Mexio from this disaster is 70,000 barrels per day. At 42 gallons of oil per barrel, as of May 15, 2010 (the day of this blog creation), approximately 76,440,000 gallons of crude oil have spilled into the Gulf of Mexico.

I am adding the chart I created in Excel to help visualize this.

Please pray for the people, animals, and plant life down there in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. And don't forget the sea animals and plants in the Gulf of Mexico. I don't know how much more they can take.

Parting comments, I have been concerned about the environment since 1970, and when I was in high school, I wrote my senior term paper in Spring 1973 on Air Pollution: Cause and Effect. In college I wrote a research paper on The Case for the Adoption of the Bicycle as the Major Mode of Transportation on Air Force Bases operated by the United States Air Force.